**SAVE THE DATE** We are holding an Open Afternoon in our EYFS on March 18th from 1-2pm for anyone who is deciding on a school or nursery place. If you would like to come and have a look around our lovely setting and meet the team please come along! If you cannot make this date/time please let us know.

Artsmark success!!


Bringing learning to life through arts and culture


Dear Mrs Thorpe,


Thank you for your submissions to Artsmark.


Your Statement of Commitment and Case Study/Statement of Impact have been assessed and we are delighted to inform you that St Cuthbert's Roman Catholic Voluntary Aided First School, Berwick (DfE 9293746) has been awarded an Artsmark Silver Award. Congratulations!


We have made the following comment about your submissions:


You are to be congratulated for the determination and commitment in introducing the Arts so successfully into your school. From an ad hoc approach to the Arts, as a result of your Artsmark journey, you now have a clearer and more strategic plan when it comes to the Arts and cultural provision in your school.  Your staff now have a better understanding of art as a subject and the Arts. Your inclusive approach has raised aspirations amongst your pupils, their parents and staff. When it comes to your parents, through your many new initiatives and practices, you have effectively challenged the view that the Arts are for the few and privileged. The curriculum has been developed to ensure quality arts provision such as the Nutcracker Ballet Programme at Key Stage 2 and you have found ways to work with artists on specific projects such as “A Sense of Place” and “A Monk’s Story”.  As a school you have become more confident and, as have many of your individual pupils through the engagement with the Arts. You now need to give yourself time to embed your new practices. You are using arts and cultural professionals and organisations to support the delivery of quality provision and as you continue on your Artsmark journey, you could monitor the impact these partnerships are having on pupil outcomes. You could also work with them to produce resources which could support teaching in the future. You might also want to consider planning for opportunities for your pupils to take ownership of their engagement and personal progression in the Arts, building on your work of pupil voice.


Congratulations on your Artsmark Silver Award!


Your award is valid for two years and will expire on 03 September 2021. A separate email will be sent to you shortly which contains your Artsmark Silver Award logo. Your Bridge organisation, Culture Bridge North East, have also been informed of your award.


Artsmark supports settings to develop and celebrate their commitment to arts and cultural education. We recommend that you re-register soon to explore new objectives and further enhance your arts and cultural provision. Equip pupils with the cultural capital they need to succeed in life and nurture their imagination and creativity through a high-quality arts and cultural education.


We’ve developed a guidance booklet, Your Artsmark Award, to help you understand how we assessed your award, reflect on your achievements and support you to plan your next Artsmark journey. It also includes a resource to kick-start your reflection and planning process. Download it now, a printed version will be posted with your Artsmark Award certificate soon.


Keep us updated with your celebrations by tagging us on Twitter @Artsmarkaward and Facebook Artsmark1. We would love to see how you are showcasing the fantastic creative opportunities you offer.


Once again, congratulations on your Artsmark Silver Award.


With warm wishes, 

Emily Fletcher

Senior Officer


Arts Council England