We currently have spaces in our teacher-led 3 year old provision for both 15 and 30 hour placements. Please contact the office for more information.

Maths Whizz

Maths Whizz is a virtual online maths tutor and if your child is in year 1, 2, 3 or 4 then they will have their own log in details for Maths Whizz. 
Maths Whizz delivers the right lesson at the right time for every child and we use it within maths lessons in school.  It can be accessed at home and we reccommend that every child accesses their account 3 times a week for 20 minutes each time.
Your child earns credits every time they complete tasks and these credits can be used to buy pets or toys!
Each week in celebration assembly a bronze, silver and gold certificate is awarded to the children who have made the most improvements in each year group.
Click on the link below to access your account...