We currently have spaces in our teacher-led 3 year old provision for both 15 and 30 hour placements. Please contact the office for more information.

Class 2

"Teachers create an excellent climate for learning where pupils concentrate and engage fully"
"Pupils' achievement in reading is extremely high"
Ofsted 2018
Welcome to Class 2...
Class 2 is made up of year 1 and year 2 children.  Miss Thompson is our class teacher and Mrs Gillon and Ms Wallace work with us everyday.  We enjoy having a wide range of activities to take part in and our classroom is calm, happy and well organised!
Class 2 starts at 8:45am and finishes at 3:00pm - please drop off & collect from the main playground.
Reading - In class 2 we enjoy a wide range of stories and are read to aloud by an adult every day.  We have phonics  sessions daily in small group and the children also take home a reading book which helps them to practice the sounds they have learnt with you.  The teacher will check your child's reading record at least weekly and we ask that adults sign the reading record book and/or make any comments.  Please use the 'tips for supporting your child to read' in the front of your child's record book and the comprehension questions  in the front of each reading book to assist you.
PE - Your child should wear their PE kit to school EVERY TUESDAY. This consists of black shorts or black joggers (no branding), trainers, school jumper or hoodie and  a red t-shirt with the school badge.   Please ensure every piece of clothing is named.  Class 2 go swimming every Thursday - your child will need to bring a separate bag with their swimwear, towel and goggles if needed.
Water Bottles - All children are expected to have fresh water in their water bottle every day.  Bottles can be purchased from the school office.  Please ensure bottles are only filled with plain water.
Homework - Is given out on a Friday and due in on a Thursday.
We also ask the children to access their online accounts for both Maths Whizz and Spelling Shed at home regularly.  The information for logging on to these sites can be found in the insode cover of your child's homework book.
See attachments below for more information about class 2 & handy links!
Here are some great sites you can visit simply click on each link below;
Year 2 SATs
At the end of Year 2 (Key Satge 1) your child will take the Standard Asessment Tests in Reading and Mathematics.
Find out more by watching this information video for parents here and reading the parent leaflet here.
Please also view our school Power point with information below.  If you have any questions please ask Miss Thompson or Mrs McGregor.
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
All Year 1 pupils will take the national Phonics Screening Check which takes place this year the week beginning Monday 12th June 2023.
This is a short assessment, carried out 1:1 to ensure that children are making sufficient progress in their phonics skills. Each child is asked to read 40 words, half real words and half nonsense words. It may seem odd to be reading nonsense words, but the reason is that they check that your child has developed the ability to decode letter patterns to sounds and to blend those sounds into a word.
Please see the Power Point below for more information.
In our Literacy lessons we have been learning the story of Little Red Riding Hood. The children have drawn a story map and can read the whole story with actions! Our next challenge is to create our own stories using Little Red Riding Hood as a template. To see our video and enjoy our story please visit or Facebook page by clicking on the link below! Like and share our page.