St. Cuthbert's Catholic First School believes that good attendance is central to good learning and achievement. A child’s attendance record is regarded as a serious matter. We record and monitor attendances a legal requirement and expect a minimum of 96% attendance.
You should contact us by 9.30am on the first day of absence if your child is ill either by telephone or in writing.
Please use the following number to contact us:-
St. Cuthbert's Catholic First School 01289 307785
Where a child’s level or pattern of absences becomes a concern we will discuss this with the parent or carer and may involve the services of our Educational Welfare Officer to help improve the situation.
Holiday during term time
Please do not take your child on holiday during term time. It makes it difficult for your child to catch up with their work when they return. Holidays will be unauthorised and may result in the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO) contacting you and issuing you with a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN).
Where a child’s level or pattern of absences becomes a concern we will discuss this with the parent or carer and may involve the services of our Educational Welfare Officer to help improve the situation.
Parents/carers should complete a 'Request for absence' form which can be obtained from the school office or downloaded below. This should include the reasons for 'exceptional circumstances' if you plan to take your child out of school during term time along with the dates and any supporting evidence.
- WEEKLY - Awarding those with 100% attendance stickers every week. The winning year group receives the attendance trophy to display in their classroom!
- TERMLY - Each term at Achievement assembly those children with 100% receive a special certificate
- YEARLY - Children who gain 100% for the whole year receive a special prize