**SAVE THE DATE** We are holding an Open Afternoon in our EYFS on March 18th from 1-2pm for anyone who is deciding on a school or nursery place. If you would like to come and have a look around our lovely setting and meet the team please come along! If you cannot make this date/time please let us know.

Prayer & Liturgy

Collective Worship is at the heart of life in St Cuthbert's School.
We gather as a school together on a Monday to listen to our 'Statement to Live By' for the week ahead and try our best to live out that statement.  On a Friday at Celebration assembly we award 'Star of the week' to a pupil in every year group who has shown that they have lived out our statement.
On Tuesdays and Wednesdays we gather within our own classes to pray together, sometimes we may pray in our prayer garden.
On Thursdays we gather as a school once again for worship, we often use the Statement for the week or the Wednesday Word as a theme for the liturgy.  Each year group takes a turn leading family worship every term and family members are invited to join us.
On Fridays we gather within our classes once again and join in child-led worship.  Children follow the 4 steps of; Gather, Word, Response and Mission to plan and lead their liturgy.
Daily prayers also punctuate the school day;
Morning Prayer
Good Morning Lord we praise Your Holy name
and thank You for giving us this lovely new day
Snack Prayer
We close our eyes and softly say
thank you God for our snack today
Lunchtime Prayer
Thank you for the world so sweet
Thank you for the food we eat
Thank you for the birds that sing
Thank you God for everything
Afternoon Prayer
Good afternoon Lord we praise Your Holy name
and thank You for giving us this lovely new day
Home time Prayer
Now the day is over we lift our hands and say
Thank you heavenly Father for today
We're sorry for the wrong things but glad about the right
Keep us heavenly Father in your love tonight
We also regularly say our traditional prayers together such as; Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
As well as child-led worship in class, each year group leads whole school family worship once per term.
Child-led worship in EYFS - we heard the story of Jesus' Baptism and drew postcards to share the story with family & friends
We are lucky that many of our parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles join our liturgies in school.
Every year on the last day of the Autumn term we hold our Christingle service.
The children spend the morning making their Christingle and learning the symbolism of it. 
We are delighted that many family members and friends join us for this celebration.
Reception acted out the story from Luke 18;
'Let the children come to me'
Early Years take turns to prepare and lead worship once a week.  They learn about the parts of a liturgy, liturgical colours, the theme of the worship and the meaning of the symbols placed on the worship space.