**SAVE THE DATE** We are holding an Open Afternoon in our EYFS on March 18th from 1-2pm for anyone who is deciding on a school or nursery place. If you would like to come and have a look around our lovely setting and meet the team please come along! If you cannot make this date/time please let us know.

Mini Vinnies

Mini Vinnies are the smaller representatives of the St Vincent De Paul society.  They are part of a worldwide organisation and do good for others.  So far we have raised money for Mary's Meals, Apostleship of the Sea; Marie Curie, CAFOD, Children in Crossfire, St Cuthbert's Care and deliver Christmas cards to the elderly in the Parish every year as well as our annual tea parties hosted for parishioners in school..
Click on the link below to access the official website, you can even find the Mini Vinnie song by clicking on this link....
Lots of our children want to become a Mini-Vinnie, which is fantastic!  We ask each child to write a letter explaining why they would be a good Mini Vinnie and then put the letters in a hat to choose 4 at random!
Our Mini-Vinnies for 2024-2025;
We harvested the carrots from our school vegetable patch and took them to the Northern Soul cafe on West Street.
This cafe is very special it's aim is to avoid food waste and customers can pay what they want for their meal.  Millie was delighted to receive the carrots and has invited us back for a soup workshop so that we can experience putting this food to good use!
Rita & Leah are from the Philippines were so happy to receive the chocolate bars we had collected especially when Paul told them they were from our lovely children here in St Cuthbert's!
Thank you to everyone who donated you have helped cheer up others who are away from their children and families for a long time.
We collected new pairs of socks and underwear to donate to the Salvation army in Berwick.
Mini Vinnies and some of class 3 attended a porridge breakfast before school at our parish centre, to raise money for Mary's meals.
Mini Vinnies organised a cake sale to raise funds for CAFOD's Lent campaign, 'Turn little fish into big fish' by making and decorating cakes with a fishy design!
Mini Vinnies have again asked for donations to the Berwick food bank and were delighted with the response from all of our families!  Julian from the food bank told us how they sort out the food and toiletries so that people get what they need.
What a fantastic turn out from our Mini Vinnies and our Y3 & 4's!! 
We were so pleased to attend the parish porridge breakfast in aid of Mary's Meals. 
We have attended every year for the last few years but this is the best turn out from our school so far - thank you!
We invited parishioners in for an end of school year tea party and shared all we had done over the year!
CAFOD Lent 2019
We held a coffee for CAFOD event in school -we asked for donations of cakes and biscuits and sold them along with a drink.  It was an amazing turn out - thank you to everyone for your support!
We decided to start a knitting club and worked hard to make knitted sections which we then decided to sew together to make one blanket which we will give to the Salvation army.
We wanted to support Berwick Cancer Cars who run an amazing voluntary service taking people to hospital in a comfy car!  We got to have a look inside the cars (who all have names!).
We organised a sponsored silence in school and raised an whopping £506!!!  The volunteers came to speak to the whole school and then we presented them with our cheque.
Our Summer Term tea party with parishioners was a great hit!!  Class 2 music group even performed their 1st prize glockenspiel music for everyone!
Our Year 4 Mini Vinnies delivering 9 bags to the Berwick Food Bank!  We met Becky who told us how the food parcels are distributed and other ways they support families.
We are hoping to work with the Food Bank in other ways in the coming year....watch this space!
Lent 2021
Mini Vinnies would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone for their kind donations to the Berwick Food bank.  Our aim this Lent was to collect 40 items for the 40 days of Lent but... we collected 117 items!!
Amazing - well done everyone!
Our Mini Vinnies would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU for your generosity for the local Food bank during Lent.
Our target had been to try and collect 40 items but we actually collected 117!! AMAZING - Thank you everyone so very much especially during this difficult time.
First job of September 2024! 
Our Mini Vinnies were delighted to be able to help out this week by planting bulbs in the church garden after school.  Thank you to Sandra and John for helping us - we hope parishioners and visitors enjoy the daffodils when they emerge in Spring!!