**SAVE THE DATE** We are holding an Open Afternoon in our EYFS on March 18th from 1-2pm for anyone who is deciding on a school or nursery place. If you would like to come and have a look around our lovely setting and meet the team please come along! If you cannot make this date/time please let us know.

Congratulations to Imogen and Rory for making shortlist!


Well done to Imogen and Rory in Class 2 whose short stories ('The bear who had a problem' - by Imogen and 'The bear who came to Berwick' - by Rory) were shortlisted in the under 9 catergory at the Berwick Literary festival.  Both attended the award ceremony at the town hall where extracts from both stories were read out by the judges.

The rotary club were impressed by all of the entries especially those from children ages 6 and 7 who they commented had 'brilliant imaginations'!