**SAVE THE DATE** We are holding an Open Afternoon in our EYFS on March 18th from 1-2pm for anyone who is deciding on a school or nursery place. If you would like to come and have a look around our lovely setting and meet the team please come along! If you cannot make this date/time please let us know.


The season of Lent is a time of preparing for Easter. It is a penitential season of spiritual growth where we try to be better followers of Jesus. During this time we try to give more time to prayer, fasting and almsgiving (money to the 'poor' or good causes). The liturgical colour for Lent is purple.
In St Cuthbert's it is a special time where each child is encouraged to reflect on what Lent means for them. Every child is invited to take home our 'Travelling cross' which allows families to reflect and pray together as well as bringing the Easter story in to our homes. 
Each class creates a focal point for Lent in their classroom and each class reflect on the Stations of the Cross.