**SAVE THE DATE** We are holding an Open Afternoon in our EYFS on March 18th from 1-2pm for anyone who is deciding on a school or nursery place. If you would like to come and have a look around our lovely setting and meet the team please come along! If you cannot make this date/time please let us know.

E-Safety policy

The purpose of the internet is to raise educational standards, to promote pupil achievement, to support the professional work of staffand to enhance the school's managementinformation and business administration systems.
The policy belows set out how this will be done at St Cuthbert's within a safe and accountable way.
The 'Pupil Acceptable Use' agreement is given to families at the start of the year to read with their child and then parents and children are asked to sign the agreement.  These e-safety rules are displayed around the school.  Staff, Governors and volunteers are also expected to follow the e-safety code of conduct for St Cuthbert's.
Click on the agreements below to read.