**SAVE THE DATE** We are holding an Open Afternoon in our EYFS on March 18th from 1-2pm for anyone who is deciding on a school or nursery place. If you would like to come and have a look around our lovely setting and meet the team please come along! If you cannot make this date/time please let us know.


The CAFOD Kids Zone is a great place where you can take part in interactive quizzes, games and meet the children we hear about!
Simply click on the link below!
CAFOD Lent appeal 2022
Walk against Hunger
We set off around the walls to help cover 40,000km – the distance around the world - in solidarity with the 200 million children whose lives are at risk because of malnutrition. We carried plaques and also the prayer for peace in Ukraine which we said in a peace circle on our return to school with Father Paul.
Parents and parishoners joined us - thank you!
EYFS took par as well walking the riverside route and along to the ark!
Leading up to the COP26 climate talks in November, we decided to 'Go Green' for CAFOD last week! 
The children wore green clothes to school for the day and we raised over £170 !!! Mrs Simpson (CAFOD rep) came into school to share the CAFOD assembly with the children and discuss the reason why CAFODs work is so important.
We have some very exciting news to share with you....our First School has been asked by CAFOD to host their next national assembly 'Fratelli Tutti'  on 10th June!  This is such a privilege for our school .... tune in at https://cafod.org.uk/News/Events/National-assemblies at 9:30am on Thursday 10th June or watch it afterwards and see our very own pupils presenting! 
The assembly is all about the Pope's recent letter to everyone asking us to reach out to others and put Fratelli Tutti into action by being a global neighbour.
A MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone who took part and donated to the CAFOD Lent 'Walk for Water' appeal we raised a whopping £997.20 - this is phenomenal and will support the work of CAFOD so much. 
See some of our photos below....
Message from CAFOD director;
Dear Clare,
I hope you don’t mind me dropping you a note, but I wanted to write to tell you how touched – and inspired – I was by the support of St Cuthbert’s.
My colleague Tim, let me know about your fundraising efforts over World Gifts. Well done to you all for raising £300 – that is such a great contribution! He also commented particularly about Erica – one of the children in year 4 who gave £10 out of her own piggy bank. Wow! I know Tim will drop you a note but I was so touched hearing from him about your efforts and particularly about Erica that I wanted to get in touch myself.
The generosity is really incredible and humbling for all of us – I know I feel totally privileged to be part of the amazing community of people who are CAFOD supporters. Thank you too for all the education and awareness raising you are doing. It’s so important to be able to remind people of the world out there. Amidst the many challenges that we face in this country, it is such a testimony to you and the school that the community responds in this way. We often hear the demands for charity to begin at home – and I am sure that the students have been busy helping neighbours locally – but of course charity doesn’t end there.
When Jesus was asked Who is my neighbour? He replied with a story about the Good Samaritan. Thank you and all the pupils at St Cuthbert’s for being such wonderful Good Samaritans to neighbours near and far.
With best wishes
Christine Allen
CAFOD Romero House
WOW!  Thank you so much for your donations to CAFOD's World Gifts Appeal December 2020 - we raised £300 which means we can  buy a Medical Outreach Team; 
This life-saving, compassionate charity gift can help a team of medical professionals bring essential healthcare services to the remotest communities. They can also share their knowledge and skills with local people by running workshops and public campaigns on vital health issues.
We raised a whopping £201.43 for our Brighten up for Harvest day in school 2020!
Thank you so much everyone!!
Thank you - we raised an amazing £93 during our CAFOD coffee and cake events for the World Gifts appeal!!
The spiritual council decided to purchase;

Water for a family

This life-saving charity gift provides families with a supply of clean, safe water for drinking and cooking. Using a water pump also means families can wash in clean water, keeping everyone safe from infection.



Water on wheels

A bike is the perfect way to get to some of the hardest-to-reach, rural areas. In fact, a bicycle is just the ticket when it comes to making sure families in the remotest communities have the help they need – including access to clean, safe water.

Can you be a Zero Hero like us????  CAFOD's latest campaign to highlight the importance of zero emissions has inspired us all to think about how we can help and be a Zero Hero!!!  Mrs Simpson came in to give an assembly to the school about it and has visited every class for a workshop on the subject....
Here are our EYFS children looking for zeros and for some examples of bad emissions and ways we are already helping!
Look at all the zeros we found around EYFS!!!
We investigated our school grounds to find good things we are already doing to help reduce emissions....and things that are bad for our climate...
CAFOD Lent 2019 - Give it up!
Our Spiritual council decided to place the fishing net (kindly donated to us from a fisherman on from Holy Island) outside in the prayer garden with all of our lenten promises attached.
It looks fantastic and will help us all to remember them!
Our Mini Vinnies held a 'coffee and cake' afternoon and raised a superb £128.73 for CAFOD!!  Well done & thank you everyone.
We hope to get to £167 once we get everyones CAFOD boxes back in so we can buy a pond that will help a family breed their own fish.
We raised an amazing £165 for CAFOD World gifts this year and the children decided to buy; a marvelous moo cow, 3 mosquito nets and a happy queen bee!
Our pilgrimage for refugees planned and led by Class 3 along with help form Mrs Simpson from CAFOD was a truly moving experience for everyone who joined us.
Mrs Simpson led our CAFOD assembly 'Turn little fish in to big fish'.  We all brought in a coin to decorate the fish scales!
Spiritual Councillors wanted to help the people of East Africa as millions face starvation.  Families in school were already donating to CAFOD's Lent appeal so the Spiritual Council decided to ask the children if they could use some of this money to this particular crisis as it's needed now. We held a special assembly to tell all the children about what is happening in East Africa.
During Advent 2017 we raised £66 which meant we could buy a 'pig that provides'!!
We took each class power to be sun to Holy Island and joined lots of others who had walked across the causeway to show support for CAFOD's Power to Be campaign. 
In St Aidan's church we brought our suns forward and placed them in front of the altar.
Every child in school had written on their own ray of sunshine how they would help to bring about change.