**SAVE THE DATE** We are holding an Open Afternoon in our EYFS on March 18th from 1-2pm for anyone who is deciding on a school or nursery place. If you would like to come and have a look around our lovely setting and meet the team please come along! If you cannot make this date/time please let us know.

Ofsted report

Dear Parents,


I am pleased to share with you our recent Ofsted Inspection Report. Although we are still graded as Requires Improvement overall we are delighted that the inspector noted how much our school has improved in such a short space of time and although we have areas to work on these are all things we were already aware of and have begun making the necessary improvements.


The inspector comments in her report that ‘many of the procedures which have been put into place are new and recently established so they have not all had time to make a sustained difference to pupils’ progress. I can assure you that this is our continued focus.


Here are some quotes that we are really proud of;


The school is improving quickly.


The school is a warm and harmonious community where pupils of different backgrounds mix happily.


The curriculum is making a positive difference to pupils’ education. There are good opportunities to broaden pupils’ experience and motivate them.


Support staff form good and trusting relationships with the pupils they work with. They are encouraging and help to raise pupils’ confidence.


Pupils feel safe and secure in the warm, family atmosphere of the school. All staff know pupils well and there is always someone to turn to if needed.


Pupils who speak English as an additional language are supported to be proud of their heritage and to celebrate their similarities and differences.


I would like to thank the whole teaching team for their hard work, dedication and commitment to school life here at St Cuthbert’s. I also thank the governors, who have so much enthusiasm for our school and a complete commitment to raising standards, to all parents for your very much valued support and finally the children who are exemplary. I feel so proud to be the head teacher of St Cuthbert's.


Yours Sincerely                           

Mrs McGregor (Headteacher) &  Mr M Frank (Chair of Governors)